Lower is Better

Dr Tom Frieden, former director of CDC, referred to the Final Report of a Trial of Intensive versus Standard Blood-Pressure Control, published in May in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Conclusions:”Among patients who were at increased cardiovascular risk, targeting a systolic blood pressure of less than 120 mm Hg resulted in lower rates of major adverse cardiovascular events and lower all-cause mortality than targeting a systolic blood pressure of less than 140 mm Hg…”

This month I also updated by comparison of the Healthmote BT-105 and the new CardioBlip by Carrematix to our office sphygmomanometer. We are still in the process of talking with both of these companies about their products as we continue to mainly use the Healthmote system for our own RPM services.

Healthmote RPM

I am excited to tell you about both of our new sponsors. You can learn more about their products by clicking on the Foracare and Healthmote links. Foracare is covered in an earlier dedicated episode. Most of this episode describes the benefits and features of the Healthmote Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) system. I also give some thoughts regarding the structure of staffing for RPM coverage.

COVID-19 and CCM

CCM (Chronic Care Management) and RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) can both be done during COVID-19. This podcast explains that new CMS announcments confirm that the set-up code (G0506) for CCM can be done over the telephone. This allows primary care physicians to set up CCM for monthly services with patients without the patient having to leave their home. This service will both keep patients with chronic conditions managed and provide desperately needed revenue to physician offices affect by low volume during this early social distancing time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Get your CCM templates at CCMPays.com.

Remote Patient Monitoring

RPM CPT Codes and Reimbursement:

  • 99453 Set Up $21
  • 99454 Supply Device $69
  • 99457 Interactive Communication $54

Visit Qardio or Omron

Link for Google Sheets Spreadsheet Template

For more information, see Healthcare Law Today