NOW Available for Advanced Primary Care Management (APCM)!
CCM Pays teaches independent primary care doctors how to set up their own Chronic Care Management program with pre-made Chronic Care Management Care Plan templates so you can keep 100% of your CCM payments. The new Advanced Primary Care Management (APCM) program is very similar, pays over $100 per patient per month and uses the same care plan templates. Templates are available in generic or EPIC EHR formats. Now get templates for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) of hypertension included with the CCM Pays Toolkit.
Purchase CCM Pays NOW
You practice primary care and are conscientious about managing your patients’ chronic illnesses. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to click all the boxes on the computer to order labs, adjust medicines, review treatment goals, and still address patient concerns.
Now there is a way to get paid by Medicare for having your Medical Assistant set all of these things up for you by checking in with patients’ chronic conditions monthly over the phone. You only have to review and sign orders based on condition-specific templates followed by your MA. That is what Chronic Care Management does.
Chronic Care Management is a Medicare program intended to improve the health of the patients who need the most healthcare, patients with chronic disease. It’s available to patients with two or more chronic illnesses. It pays providers around $59-$83 if they and/or their clinical staff spend 20 minutes or more working with the patient’s care in a given month. And it is intended to be done monthly.
CCM Pays teaches medical providers and office staff how to use care plan and management templates with instructional videos titled, “Pre-Enrollment,” “Enrollment,” and “Monthly Calls.”
“Pre-Enrollment” teaches how to prepare to enroll and bill for patient enrollment. “Enrollment” teaches how to correctly enroll eligible patients. “Monthly Calls” teaches how to use care management templates with monthly calls.”
Check the 2022 Medicare Update with additional codes and index of regional payment schedules.